I know, it's something that is said all the time - but - my how time flies! Life gets crazy and suddenly 1 month has passed, and then two and then 12!!! I'm excited to be writing here again, thanks Michelle Bridges - you made me do it!
I finished my third and final round of 2011 doing Lean and Strong last year. Feeling pretty good about being 27kg lighter, a whole lot musclier (got distracted while I was driving because I was too busy admiring my own guns! Oops). And then it was Christmas. And then it was Easter. And then three of my children had birthdays. And then I'd gained back 8kg! 2012 was my year to see how I'd go on my own, not being part of 12WBT. But I'm back, the accountability and support here, helps keep me focused on the direction I want to be heading in. I read somewhere recently (doesn't it drive you nuts when you can't remember where you saw something?!) that our committment it what keeps us going in the direction we want - when we don't have the motivation. Or something like that. Sounds like a plan to me. This round, I'm doing things I've never done. I'm keeping a journal; I take notes during Michelle's videos like I'm at school; a sorry admission - but for the first time, I'm diarising red flag days (yes Michelle would probably like to smack me around the head for that one!). I'm really looking at the talk going on in my head - paying attention to the negative stuff in particular (more on that later - turns out I've got quite a bit of work still to do in that department!). I'm not beating myself up about the 8kg weight gain - I'm learning where my weak spots still are and making plans for how to combat them.
So here I am - back enjoying the comradery, the DOMS, the breakdowns and hopefully the breakthroughs that are part of 12WBT. I listed in my pre-season task - that I want to make magic happen - here goes!
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