Saturday, 10 November 2012

Excuses, excuses, excuses

It is just a little bit exciting to be a part of the first Round 4 of 12WBT!  And a little bit exciting to be taking the Lean and Strong journey this round - after all I've seen the after photos of others, who've had babies, and then found where their abs have been hiding all this time - so I figure there's hope for me yet!

What is it about Task 1 - Get Real, No More Excuses, that makes it so hard?  Well - I find it hard anyway.  In actual fact - its only the Internal Excuses that are a problem.  Hello!   If that is not a great big signpost to a big fat road block, I don't know what is!   External excuses - I feel like I've worked them through - but I'll still be on the lookout, in case they sneak back in.  But unravelling all that internal that is a whole different ball game.

Here's what I've got so far.....

I can't ever reach my goal weight (seriously?  Its about 3kg away!) Solution: Other people my height weigh my goal weight and with training, good nutrition and patience I will too.
I can't control myself with food (really - now I have four legs, a snout and a curly tail?!) Solution:
I have my hands on the steering wheel and if I am feeling weak, I will take a walk, get on the forums or find another way to keep my hands busy.

It's too hard to achieve the results I want.  Solution: Yes, it is hard work, but I am strong, and I have achieved other things I never thought were possible, so I will keep focussed on my goals, by reading them daily, and repeating my affirmations.

I haven't got time.  Solution: I will prioritise and plan my exercise to make sure it gets done.  We make time for the things that matter to us.
I'm sick of fighting with myself.  Solution:  I don't have to engage with the fight in my head - I can notice the things I am telling myself, and get on with the things I want to do anyway.  There is only a fight if I let there be one.

I just don't care right now.  Solution:  I need to walk/run away as soon as I hear this one in my head - because, the reality is - I DO CARE.  I recognise, that eating has been a coping mechanism that I've used, but now, I choose other ways to cope eg. exercise, reading, talking to friends, writing down what I'm feeling.

Here's hoping you all are having success in unravelling your own excuses - the battle is won and lost in our heads!

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